We are pleased to announce our first speakers for the HYDROVERSE CONVENTION 2025 on 26 June 2025: Jorgo Chatzimarkakis (CEO, Hydrogen Europe) and Dr. Thomas Hüwener (CEO, Open Grid Europe) will be back again next year.

Last year, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO of Hydrogen Europe gave one of our keynote speeches and made a strong case for a rapid expansion of the hydrogen economy, commented on the impact of the European election results on the hydrogen strategy, and argued for more flexibility and better funding options for various applications and projects currently underway. ‘The end of the rainbow’ was his phrase for the need to open up the hydrogen color theory.

Dr. Thomas Hüwener is Chairman of the Board of Management at Open Grid Europe GmbH (CEO). His focus within the company is on Strategy, Corporate Development, Network Planning, Customer Services and HR. Open Grid Europe is Germany’s largest gas transmission system operator (TSO) with a pipeline network of about 12.000 km. As the representative of a TSO that is currently implementing the hydrogen core network, he is deeply involved in the subject.
We look forward to stimulating discussions with these renowned industry experts!